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My 5 Travel tips for a Smooth Vacation

Samantha Lerouge

Hi loves!

I recently came back from an AH-mazing vacation from the Dominican Republic.  Along with the usual travel tips such as learning the common phrases of the country’s language, bringing cash, making copies of your travel documents, etc. etc. etc…here are my personal 5 travel tips for a smooth sailing vacation.

Go with a Good Group of People

Now, this is ESSENTIAL. The people you travel with can either make the trip or make it frustrating. Going to Dominican Republic with my best friends made the trip even more AMAZING. Literally, every day was a movie lol. Though, not all your friends are great travel buddies. Try to find someone who matches your “travel style”. For example, if you’re the type of person who likes adventure, try to find a group of friends that match that. You’ll be surprised how one salty seed can affect the WHOLE vibe of the group.

Give Your Self a 1-Day Vacation From Your Vacation

This is something I always preach. This basically means giving yourself a day or two to relax at home before heading back to work from a vacation. Give yourself that time to get back into the grooves of things. I love giving myself off that day off since it gives me time to unpack, do laundry,  run errands, detox (from the liq and my poor food choices lol), and just REST. I also tell people to give themselves an extra day off just in case you get under the weather from your vacation.  Save your self that trouble of calling out and plan that extra day in your vacation when requesting your time off.   Trust me,  easing back into work will be so much easier.

Go on Vacation for at Least  5 Full Days

Depending on the type of trips you are going on, I always try to go for at least full 5 days, if my wallet permits that is lol. Think about it,  two of the days you're flying to/from your designation, which really gives you 3 full days of vacation. Personally,  I hate the feeling of being in a rush…especially on vacation!  Five full days gives you the time to really experience the location you’re visiting while not feeling pressed for time.

Make sure you do things outside the Resort.

If your vacation consist of you staying on a resort, go outside the resort and explore! love all-inclusive resorts, but I notice some people just STAY on the resort. Along with doing excursions, I always try to go into the non-touristy areas to REALLY experience the country and culture. Just make sure when you decide to do this, you have someone reliable to safely show you around.

Pre-plan your outfits

I love preplanning my outfits while packing. This honestly removes the indecisiveness of choosing an outfit while on vacation lol.  Always bring little extra clothes just in case, but don’t over do it lol. Pre-planning some of your outfits also help with the issue of overpacking. Don’t be that person that has to sit on their luggage to close it an hour or 2 before their flight lol.

I hope these tips help!





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